Grounded Chaos

This is the very temporary page for Grounded Chaos, the permanent home is live and you can visit it now – Grounded Chaos

In case you don’t want to visit a different site, here is the signup form, just click the link and fill out the form.

Second, I love knowing the cost up front so that is what we are starting with here. The total cost is $750 if you pay in full. We also have a monthly pay option, $130 a month for six months.

Now, on to the bare-bones syllabus. Because you want to know what we are teaching our students, right? Right!

Class one – July

Expectations / Strengths / Boundaries

In this class we work on knowing where an assistants boundaries are, being so upfront with tasks they will be doing and those that are not for them. Security, privacy, reliability, and maintaining professionalism.

Class two – August

Series Bibles and formatting

Creation, maintaining, and various applications that are used. We will be giving a demonstration on each of these applications:

Plottr, Notion, Scrivener, Google Suite, Basecamp. Trello

As well as looking at formatting, with a focus on back matter updates. For that we will give demonstration on Vellum and Atticus

Class three – September


In this class we talk about the all the retailers authors can offer books through, doing a walk thru on those and talking about which ones offer the ability to add mangers for various parts. Then we move into subscription platforms and early access management before we touch lightly on the serial retailers. After that, audio and print. We’ll touch on translations, but that will be mostly in respect to uploads more that anything else.

Class four – October

Social media management

Here we will talk about the various social media platforms and being knowledgable about them all, group moderation, scheduling posts, etc. Which is a much larger topic than this blurb will allow for, but it will be in depth.

Class five – November

Newsletter Management

We’ll go through the various email marketing platforms, talking about pros and cons for each of them as well as working on them as a manager on an author’s account. Then, newsletter swaps and promo groups on places like Book Funnel.

Class six – December

Website Management

This is going to be an overview on managing websites for authors. Adding to blogs, creating pages for books, all the things an author might want done by someone else so they can get on with the business of writing.

That is the bare-bones version of our training program.


Will there be certificates?

We will be giving certificates for those who attend each class. They must attend the live class.

Will there be recordings?

Yes! Our students will get recordings of the class within a day or two of the class.

Will there be a place where students can ask questions and communicate with us and each other?

Yes! We have purchased our own little subgroup in Wide for the Win’s Circle group.

Will there be an alumni page?

Absolutely! We want to celebrate our students and see them succeed. Our students will get to share a photo, blurb, and their website on a page dedicated to our alumni. We can’t wait to showcase them.